Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wet Saturdays in August

Things are moving forward at Tierra Nueva. What that means is that we know things need to change and are having conversations about it, but not clarity as to what the change is to look like. There have been plenty of prophetic words about thinking "outside the box" and "beyond what we can imagine" so how do you get your thoughts around that?!

One thing that is clear that seems to be preparatory for this change concerns the tension between "entering the Kingdom as a little child" and growing up in Jesus. The Spirit is moving people away from a reactionary stance on all things that smack of the Law, for "those who are led by the Spirit are no longer under the law." But this still means submitting, obeying and following the Spirit.

There is also a realization that Tierra Nueva isn't what it used to be, which was solely a mission outreach. It is becoming a church. The image we discussed was the strawberry plant - each plant sends out runners so that a strawberry patch is a vast colony of one plant. In Latin, the runner is called an apostolos. Go figure. For years, TN has functioned as a para-church, but what we are discovering is that in the going, something has taken root and a mission community is growing that has all the parts of the plants, all necessary and equally valued. This is a big shift.

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