Tuesday, June 10, 2008

God's Provision

It is a risky thing, this getting out of the boat. We hear the invitation of Jesus; we are feeling gutsy, feeling the call, feeling faith and the possibility of the miraculous rising up in us even as Jesus is standing there. The first step seems like the riskiest one - I mean, its water after all. Maybe it is enthusiasm or even momentum that gets us going. Its not until we've taken a few steps and are committed - too far from the boat for it to be a fall back plan and not yet to Jesus - that we realize what a risk we have taken. We start to look at where we are and fear comes crashing in - we see the wind and the waves. What are we doing out here, we think, and we remember the security of the boat (though further from Jesus) - nice, solid wood planking beneath us. Something "real" to trust in. Yet, there is Jesus standing there like the water is as solid as the boat. Whether we walk or swim, we are out of the boat because we want to be closer to Jesus.

Our call to Tierra Nueva feels a lot like this in many ways but the most tenuous one is financially. It is strange even to say it right now because we will get paid this month thanks to the support of our many friends, and especially one time gifts. Bob and Gracie are two months behind in their salary. If I had my way, I would want all our support for the next year already lined up (and secured). Bob has been saying that God has been asking him, "Do you want a salary or do you want Me to provide for you?" The only way I learn that God provides is to follow Him into the wilderness where He must and then He does. It requires fixing your eyes on Jesus and getting out of the boat to discover that you can walk on water.

I prayed with a friend regarding my fear of economic insecurity. He said that decisions made out of this fear will not be Kingdom decisions. Everyone who steps out like this experiences this panic. Our fears are never as great as the outcome. Get closer to God, lean on Him, ask Him about the details. He said the Holy Spirit would give us a sign that He is providing. Within a week we received a significant check from a source we hadn't expected. God is good.

Thank you for adding your faith to ours as we get further from the boat and closer to Jesus.

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