Saturday, September 6, 2008

Today we are feeling the rest that comes after a long awaited conversation has happened and gone well.

Tierra Nueva is in the midst of a paradigm shift - moving from being solely a mission outreach to including a growing faith community, a more intentional community living in the building, and a training center. All this has happened without planning but has grown to a level where it requires new organizational structures to help facilitate and cultivate it.

We have been blessed by the presence of Dr. Bruce Murphy (former pastor of Bethany Presbyterian in Seattle, former Provost for SPU, and former President of a Christian Liberal Arts University in Iowa - the name escapes me at the moment). He has sweet skills (bow hunting, etc...) Between Bruce listening and processing so succinctly what he heard and working through it with Nick Bryant, Tierra Nueva's resident community herald - what came was a gracious and hopeful forum giving some shape to TN going forward. And with that promise of shape comes a sense of rest.

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