Monday, November 9, 2009

Treasure Hunt

I was listening to Bill Johnson's podcast yesterday and was challenged that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me - for a purpose. As I was sitting in the parking lot outside the Bellingham REI I asked the Holy Spirit to give me a clue for someone the Father wanted to bless through me. I immediately had the impression of a red and black plaid shirt, so I went looking (somewhat fearfully, I admit) and was relieved not to see such shirt at REI.

I went home and was doing laundry in the common house, having put this whole thing out of my mind, when I looked out the window and saw Ed, one of our community members, walking by in a red and black plaid shirt. Jesus reminded me that He had things for me to do here and it was time to do one of them. I saw Ed disappear into the wood shop and made my way over there. Glad to find him by himself we got to talking about this and that. Then I said, "This might sound strange to you, Ed, but I was praying this morning and asking God who He wanted to bless and I got a picture in my mind of a red and black plaid shirt. I think God wants to bless you today. Would it be okay if I prayed a blessing for you?" He didn't hesitate and said yes; he straightened up from the workbench and closed his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder and prayed a short prayer asking the Father to show His delight to Ed. When I finished he thanked me and we moved on to talk of other things.

Bless him again today, Father.

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