Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Let a little child lead us

We want to stir up the expectation that when we gather we will encounter Jesus, the risen One, who is always with us and never leaves us. As we experience His presence, hearing His voice, watching the Holy Spirit work, we see that He will lead us out into the world to be a place where other people encounter Jesus through us.

As we have continued to meet with the kids in our Friday group, we have been reading Brad Jersak's Children, Can You Hear Me? inviting kids to picture Jesus in a favorite place. How does He greet you? What does He look like? What is the expression on His face? What does He say to you?

Later in the week, one of our community was meeting with a distressed friend. As their conversation progressed, they invited this friend to meet with Jesus and heard Jesus say words that touched them so deeply that they felt something dark leave them.

Just bringing people into the light of Jesus' presence... beautiful.

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