Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Twice now I have been on my way out the door on a Monday evening when our co-worker, Chris, stops me and asks me if I have time to pray for some of the guys he works with. Intercession is new for him. He says that most of his life he believed "praying for" people--from a distance--was kinda useless. "I'll keep so and so in my prayers," he'd always hear. Yeah, right. "Will you keep me in your prayers?" Um, probably not. What does that even mean or look like?

Chris heard from his friend's girlfriend that after finishing his first year at college (which is a miracle in itself, having gone through gang drive bys, hospitals, jail, deportation prison with me, and having lost all his scholarships all within six months before enrollment) he was back in his dad's trailer, drinking, drunk, being visited by the old gang members, and threatening to give up on everything before his immigration trial that is fast approaching. Chris freaked out.

Normally, he'd feel guilty, like he hadn't done enough, and jump in the car to go find him, scoop him onto his shoulders like a lost sheep, and bring him to some place of safety where he could try to fix all his problems in the name of Jesus. But something in him for weeks has been telling him he needed to learn how to intercede for guys, that the battle is a spiritual one devouring them, preying on them, and his footwork is pathetic against the principalities.

Now, I've been praying more in the past years but I quickly realized that I haven't been so closely attached to the "results" or fruit of my praying. But as Chris and I went to pray in the sanctuary I found myself with an ache in me for Jesus to really show up for this guy right then and save him from all that was coming against him. I felt powerless and overwhelmed. I knew my quiet praying was too small, so I crossed over and began shouting in tongues. I didn't know what else to do.

Then I heard Chris pray; Chris who doesn't feel like he knows how to pray. Chris prays scandalous prayers (he's a scandalous guy and works with scandalous guys). Chris prays, "Jesus, I tell these guys about You all the time; that You love them, that You show up to save, and if You don't do this I'm not sure I want to follow You." (!) My eyes sprang open! Dang, I'm not very comfortable with that, but it reminded me of one of David's psalms. My version is more like "come on God!" And I know how much Jesus loves Chris and Chris' guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

George carlin has been died last month , what did he take with him ?

nice post