Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How We Got Here, Prophetic Words

To speak prophetically is simply to listen to what God is saying and speak it out. Paul is clear in 1 Corinthians 14 that the gift of prophecy is for three things: building upon the foundation of Jesus (edification), encouraging, and consolation. It's hard to go wrong with that. Of course, we always hear and speak through the lens that is us, so it is often good to frame things by saying something like, "I don't know if this connects for you, but this is what I am sensing/hearing/seeing/feeling." Paul reminds the Thessalonians not to despise prophecy, but to throw out the bad and hold on to the good - so there is bad prophecy, or a mix that is too full of me and not enough of what Jesus is saying. We've been reading a great book by Brad Jersak called Can You Hear Me? on tuning in to God's voice. It is the most accessible book on this that I have ever read - full of "tuning in" exercises that help you to give Jesus your attention and may surprise you as to how much you are already hearing from Him.

I say all this because we received many prophetic words in the past six months that have pointed to where we now are and have been a great confirmation that we are where God has planned.

Words from August 15
You are being reassigned. It is advancement, but not as the world sees it. The deep things you have prayed and desired will be birthed when you step into the new thing.

Words from August 16
Green meadows north - Psalm 23. Rest in Jesus and trust, trust, trust. Know you are not alone, the Holy Spirit is with you and ahead of you - trust! Risk = advancement; the Lord will provide. It will be different than what I am used to; green pastures, country not city... different ministry... answers to prayers from years ago. Praise Him!

Words from November 11
You will be a pastor of a church without walls.

Words from December 20
It's coming, and it will surprise you. Not what you expect; but it will be exciting.

We weren't looking for Tierra Nueva. Following the idea of senior pastor positions, that is what we were looking at. We were looking for a church with walls (and a regular paycheck!). We were looking for the next step (which would amount to advancement in the world's eyes). We were looking for city and not for country. Yet, it was as we took this time to rest in His Presence and simply desire more of Him, that His plans came to the surface for our attention - the only thing that came into focus was our growing connection with Tierra Nueva. One thing that set this apart from othe possibilities was that Susan is called to be here, too. It is exciting to be a team!

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